How to prepare your child for distance learning – For football aspirants
How to prepare your child for distance learning – For football aspirants

As a parent, it is quite likely that the year 2020 and 2021 have been the most challenging on record. The economic hardship associated with a medical disaster has left...

Back On the Pitch!
Back On the Pitch!

HM Academy are back on the pitch and it feels great. On Monday 29th March the nationwide restrictions on outdoor team sports was lifted and the players from the academy got...

Jon Macken Speaks to the Players
Jon Macken Speaks to the Players

The IHM academy player have once again had a fantastic insight into the world of professional football and some first-hand advice from ex Manchester City Star Jon Macken. Whilst the...

Julian’s success to Semi-professional Football
Julian’s success to Semi-professional Football

Julian Jensen joined the IHM academy football academy during the season 2018 – 2019. As a dedicated player, Julian relocated from his home country to train and study at our...