Covid-19 FAQ

Over the past year, the world has been hit with an unprecedented situation which has impacted significantly on the provision of football around the world. With the situation easing, Edukick are looking forward to be back to operation and training in March 2021 to as near normal as possible, with daily coaching sessions at our UK venues for our students with our UEFA qualified coaches. As per FA announcement (18 July 2020) we hope this will be full training and match play, we will continue to follow government and FA guidelines for safety of our staff and players. Whilst we will commence close to normal, with some specific guidance on maintaining hygiene and some social distancing, we have been planning for different situations to ensure we can continue to provide high quality programmes for all our student players. With this in mind we have produced the following FAQs which we would ask all returning and new student players and parents to review. This information is based on guidance from the FA & government as of 18th July during opening up of the first national lockdown. All guidance is also subject to facility guidelines and will be reviewed regularly. You can see full details of current restrictions in the Greater Manchester area on the government website here

The Football Academy

No, whilst training has had to stop during the recent pandemic under government and FA ruling, the academy has continued delivering academic lessons via online platforms and offering regular online support for players training.The online support for training has been delivered by a series of emails and zoom calls from the academy, offering regular fitness and ball skill sessions ideas. Along with this we have offered some fantastic resources for players on football psychology and offered two platforms for opportunities.The footballers’ global platform was offered free to all players to upload their player CV and highlights to give them access to scouts and club officials.The Footballacademyengland showcase event in April & November was taken to a virtual platform, giving all our players an opportunity to take part in the event and showcase their ability to our contacts in the football world virtually – Footballacademyengland Showcase Event
Yes, hopefully, following previous guidance of football training in the UK groups of 30 (including coaches) could train, including natural physical contact which occurs during football and match play. Where possible in breaks and during arrival/departure, the 2 meter social distancing should be observed. Sharing of kit and equipment should be limited, players will be encouraged to refrain from spitting and shouting when in close face to face contact. Footballacademyengland will endeavour to enforce a range of measure as set out by the FA including ensuring a register of all on site at training is taken for use with the NHS track & trace system should it be required. Footballacademyengland wil constanly reveiew guidance from the FA.
We will be following the government, DfE and FA guidelines throughout this period. Should it be required we will begin with small groups as set out, maintaining social distancing where possible. We will follow the training facilities guidance on use of facilities, which could mean players coming to the session ready to play to avoid use of changing facilities inside.After each session the equipment will be fully cleaned in accordance to the FA guideline to ensure it is ready for future use.
From March 2021 Footballacademyengland we hope that restrictions on social distancing will be less and we can therefore use our private travel company to transport players from their school location to the training ground each day.Should social distancing measure prevent this at the start of the term we will be training at an alternative venue in the city centre (still a state of the art 3G facility) which is within walking distance of the educational venues. We would facilitate players knowing the location of this venue and would ask them to make their way, not using public transport, to the venue to meet the coaching staff. This would ensure that players are in the open air and social distanced during movement from the schools to the training venue
Should a local lockdown be enforced in the area during the first term of the programme, the academy are equipped to move the programme online for that short period. This would mean no practical, on the pitch sessions, however academic session in the relevant groups would move to online and the student players would receive all their lessons in this way.During the timetabled practical sessions contact with your coach will take place via zoom classrooms as per timetable. This will be a mixture of preparing you for practical work (fitness sessions in your accommodation or simple skills session you can do alone) and classroom session based around football to give you as players’ background knowledge on the game in the UK and prepare you for getting back out on the pitch. Topics on these sessions will include (but not limited to) Goal setting, UK football, Being a professional footballer, Selling yourself – creating a CV & social media, Jobs in football, Health & Wellbeing, Nutrition for football, Football as a vehicle for change.
The government has announced that a 10-day quarantine is in place for people arriving to the UK from certain countries. This is to be reviewed regularly. Should you have to quarantine on arrival to the UK you would have to stay at your accommodation for 10 days prior to joining us at the academy. During this time you would not be allowed out and would have to report your address you are staying at to border control, along with how you plan to travel there. Once at your accommodation you can join the programme virtually within those two weeks. Academic lessons will be available online for you to join and meet other students and you would be issued with the pre-set practical work for fitness and technique. Each week you would be involved in the team online sessions in preparation for joining the team after your quarantine.
In the unfortunate situation that you have to self-isolate for a period of time whilst in the UK, meaning you are unable to attend training, you will be issued, via email, with a set programme of fitness work (should you be able and well enough to complete this). During this time you will have scheduled tutorials via zoom with one of the Footballacademyengland staff to review your progress and check in. Each day you will have to upload your results and completed activities. Footballacademyengland will be observing the NHS track and trace system with all sessions ensuring a full register of all on site is taken.
Under the government guidance if a member of the team tested positive for Covid 19 we would contact all participants in that particular group and advice self-isolations and where possible a test. Should this be the case we would revert to the procedure for self-isolation where you would be issued with a pre-set programme to follow for the football and be able to access academic studies online. Following a negative test or the completion of the self-isolation period you would be allowed back into training.
Full training and Match play will be in operation as soon as the government guidance and the FA allow.

How Will We Care For Our Players? (Covid 19)

The following is based on guidance from the FA published 18th July following the government updates on Covid 19 and the return of football. At Footballacademyengland we will do all we can to ensure the safety and health of all our players and staff. To that end we will ensure that we follow the following procedures and would ask players to ensure they observer the same when we return to football. These procedures and guidance will be updated along with the FA and government updates.

  • Footballacademyengland will ensure we are following government and FA guidelines on returning to coaching.
  • Footballacademyengland will complete risk assessment will be carried out and available to players and parents on request.
  • Footballacademyengland will ensure we are following the facilities guidelines and risk assessment for safe return.
  • Coaches will arrive at the venue prior to the players to ensure the equipment is ready, clean and set up for
    the session
  • Players’ arrival to the training venue should be shortly before the commencement time of the session, ready
    in kit and with minimal excess baggage and clothing. Players should arrive and depart promptly to minimise
    cross over with other groups and be able to maintain social distancing
  • During the initial sessions at the start of September the venue will be within walking distance of the city
    centre to avoid bus travel to the ground.
  • Self-check by players should be completed prior to the sessions, such tests should help to identify if a player
  • o Had a high temperature (37.8 oC or above)
    o Developed a NEW continuous cough
    o Shortness of breath
    o Loss or change in sense of smell or taste
    o Is feeling unwell
    If none of these symptoms apply, players can join training. If any of these symptoms apply players must
    return to their accommodation and follow NHS advice.

  • Maximum of 30 will be allowed on the pitch at any one time
  • A thorough warm up will take place in consideration that the players have been in a period of little activity
    over the past few months during the restrictions, therefore are more susceptible to injury.
  • Social distancing will still need to be in place during breaks and team discussions, aiming on 2-meter
    distancing but where this is not possible 1 meter plus.
  • Players much not shake hands, high five of celebrate as a group during the session.
  • Players should refrain from handling the equipment.
  • Players should refrain from spitting. If a player needs to sneeze or cough, they should use a tissue or
    sneeze/cough into the upper part of their sleeve.
There should be very little contact during the initial sessions, therefore we anticipate there should be no or little impact injuries, however other injuries could occur. Footballacademyengland lead coach will set up, prior to the session, a medical treatment area with a fully stocked medical bag and supplies. Should a player have a minor injury during the session, which needs treatment at that time, they will be guided to the medical area where the lead coach (first aid trained) would talk the player through what they need to do to treat the injury themselves, whilst staying socially distanced. Should an injury be life or limb threatening, then a compromise of the guidelines would be made and the lead coach, using PPE, will attend to the player and seek further medical attention. Should a player become ill during the session they will be removed from the session, return to their accommodation and seek further medical advice.
  • Players should depart quickly to avoid congregating after the session.
  • All players and staff will be encouraged to wash their hands as soon as is possible following the session.
  • All equipment used will be cleaned with disinfectant following the session
People with certain conditions or illnesses are considered to be at high risk or moderate risk from coronavirus. These people may need to take extra steps to protect themselves. Please provide full details about any pre-existing medical conditions when you book a course. Students (or their parents if under 18) should refer to the NHS website for the latest updates and advice, if you think you may be in an “at risk” COVID-19 category. If in any doubt, please consult with your doctor before booking or course or travelling to the UK. Who’s at Higher Risk from Coronavirus?

What will be different in school?

There will be a limit on the number of students and staff in school generally and in specific rooms and areas. This will be clearly signed on doors/walls and in corridors. Students and staff will need to respect social distancing (2 metres when possible) There will be signs, and floor markings to help you. Desks, chairs and furniture will be arranged to help social distancing. The school will be kept at the highest standards of cleanliness. All light switches, door handles, desks, chairs will be cleaned at the end of each lesson, and teachers will clean their equipment before and after use. Staff and students will be reminded to wash their hands for 20 seconds more frequently than normal. Antibacterial hand sanitiser and cleaning stations will be provided throughout the school, and we will provide masks and gloves should you wish to use them. The windows in the school will be kept open during school hours to aid ventilation, so bring a jumper or hoodie just in case. The reception will be available as normal for quick questions, payments and general assistance. If you need more detailed help, there will be a ‘Virtual Reception’ for requests such as homestay or level change etc. If there is a further lockdown, or we are required to close the building for any reason, classes will be online live.
There will always be a member of staff to help you, however, because we are limiting the number of people in the school, there will be a smaller number of staff on site. Some people will be working from their homes and will be available on Zoom or only on certain days. There will be no paper in the school: no books, no paperwork and no photocopies. Everything will be online and in electronic form. For that reason, we encourage you to bring a laptop or tablet to school, although this is not absolutely necessary. Also, please bring your own stationary and notebook. An electronic library will be available if you want to read books at home. Class timetables may be subject to change – classes may take place in the morning or afternoon. There will be no more than 5 students in each classroom (max 15 students per class including those online) and we will try to keep you in the same group and classroom. Students will also be assigned to a specific table.
Using some of the best audio and video technology available, our hybrid classes allow students online to participate in the face to face lessons in the school. The technology ensures a fantastic audio/visual experience for both sets of students. Everybody sees the same whiteboard and materials, participates in pair and group work, and gets feedback from the teacher. Many of our classes will be in this format.

What will be different in my life in Manchester? And my accommodation?

When you arrive in Manchester, if you have booked an airport transfer, the taxi company has strict social distancing and cleaning measures in place.
If you take public transport, you will need to wear a face mask (train, bus, train, tram). If you do not wear a mask, you may have to pay a fine. You can read more about public transport on the Transport for Greater Manchester website here.

It is the law in the UK that you must wear a face mask:

· On public transport

· In shops

If you do not wear a mask, you may have to pay a fine. Some restaurants and other places will also ask you to wear a mask.

You can see full details of current restrictions in the Greater Manchester area on the government website here

People with certain conditions or illnesses are considered to be at high risk or moderate risk from coronavirus. These people may need to take extra steps to protect themselves. Please provide full details about any pre-existing medical conditions when you book a course. Students (or their parents if under 18) should refer to the NHS website for the latest updates and advice, if you think you may be in an “at risk” COVID-19 category. If in any doubt, please consult with your doctor before booking or course or travelling to the UK. Who’s at Higher Risk from Coronavirus?

Extra cleaning is encouraged and anti-bacterial hand-wash required for all our hosts. For more details about homestay please see below and our Student Handbook.

There will be activities available in school and outside. These will be carefully and safely organised to make sure social distancing can be followed. Travel will be scheduled to limit exposure to large crowds and rush hours. Please remember that you must wear a face mask on public transport.

When you arrive in the UK, you will have to ‘self-isolate’ for 14 days, unless you’re arriving from an exempt country If you travel from an exempt country but have been in a country that is not exempt within the last 14 days, you will need to self-isolate for the remainder of the 14 days since you were last in a non-exempt country.

Passenger Locator Form – This is not a school form, it is a UK Immigration requirement. Students will have to complete this form before they enter the UK. They can either complete it online, up to 48 hours before arrival, or they will have to complete it at the airport. Here is the link to complete it online before travelling – Passenger Locator Form

If you have to quarantine on arrival, you will be able to do so at your homestay house or at Riverside student residence. You will be able to follow your classes online, as normal.

If you or someone in your house has symptoms of Covid-19 please tell the school immediately. Symptoms are: · a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (no-contact thermometers are available in school) · a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours. · a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal If you start to feel unwell in school, we will help you. We have an isolation room available. If you are at home, we ask you to please not come to school and contact us immediately. Anyone showing symptoms of Covid-19 (staff, hosts or students) must self-isolate at home as per government advice. This means that if you are with a homestay host, if they are sick, you will also have to stay at home. You will be able to stay at your homestay house or at Riverside student residence. You will be able to follow your classes online, as normal, if you are feeling well enough. Please note that if you are required to self-isolate / quarantine during your course, and your period of 14 day quarantine finishes after the end of your course/planned departure date, you must still complete the 14 days (as per the UK ‘Coronavirus Act’).The cost of extending your accommodation and any other costs incurred (for example your return flight) will be your responsibility. All equipment used will be cleaned with disinfectant following the session

If you have to quarantine on arrival, you will be able to do so at your homestay house or at Riverside student residence. You will be able to follow your classes online, as normal.


Students from certain countries might have to quarantine for 14 days when arriving to the UK. This will be discussed with you at the time of booking, or as government advice is received. We will normally be aware of this requirement before you travel, and we will discuss options with you. Hosts are prepared for this situation, and can accommodate students who need to quarantine on arrival. As hosts usually provide half board for students, there are two options in this situation – 1. Student can switch to FULL BOARD for an extra £30 per week. This is the default option for students under the age of 18. Payment will be due before arrival. 2. Students can stay on their current meal plan at no extra cost and arrange their own lunches to be delivered (takeaway, home delivery etc). This option is only available for adult students.

Hosts are prepared for this situation, and will help you as much as possible. There are various situations that might happen, including – · Someone you live with gets sick. Symptomatic individuals should isolate for 10 days (or longer if the symptoms persist). Everyone else in the household should self-isolate for 14 days. If symptoms appear during self-isolation, the symptomatic individual should isolate for seven days from that point (even if this means self-isolating for longer than 14 days). · You become ill. Please inform your host and the school as soon as possible, if you have symptoms of COVID-19. Your host is aware that this could happen, and will do everything possible to look after you during this time. Please keep your host informed how you feel. You will need to isolate (see point 1) and the advice at the time may be to get tested as soon as possible.

If the school has to temporarily close (eg. if another lockdown is ordered by the UK government) we will keep you informed of updates. In this situation, all classes will be online, and you will normally be able to continue to stay with your host. In this situation, we will discuss with you if you would like your host to provide full board at an extra weekly cost (see above)

Of course. Please always try to give us at least one week’s notice of your departure, to avoid incurring any fee.

Our hosts always maintain a high level of hygiene, and this is even more important now. We have asked our hosts to do the following – · Even more so than usual, communal areas in the home will need to be maintained to the highest degree of cleanliness. · Provide anti-bacterial soap as standard, and a good supply of anti-bacterial gel · Provide additional cleaning supplies (gloves, bin bags, disinfecting spray etc) Please note the Student Residences have their own guidelines and policies – if you are interested in staying in a residence, please contact us for their up to date information.

COVID 19 Cancellation & Postponement Policy

1. Up to 7 days before arrival date – full refund will be given (minus £250 admin fee) for any cancellation due to

student being unable to travel to the UK due to COVID-19, or deciding not to take part in the course due to COVID-19 restrictions in place in the UK

2. Between 7 days and day of arrival – if a student cancels for the above reasons less than 7 days before arrival,

there will be a cancellation fee of £250 + 2 weeks course fee (and accommodation if provided by Footballacademyengland)

3. After arrival – no refund will be given if a student decides to leave the course after arrival, for any reason

4. Cancellation before arrival, for any reason other than COVID-19, will be subject to our standard Terms and Conditions

1. Students may postpone their course for up to 12 months. Postponement is subject to the same conditions and fees as cancellation, before the course has started.

2. After the course start date, postponement of any part of a course is at the discretion of Footballacademyengland football academy. A fee may be due for postponement after the course start date Footballacademyengland are offering online alternatives to face to face training, if the course cannot run as planned. By registering for a football course now, students and parents are accepting these terms.

We hope that your child will have a wonderful experience on our football programme. However, it is always best to be prepared for situations that may arise. We strongly recommend that parents arrange suitable, comprehensive insurance for their child, before they start their football programme. (Footballacademyengland does not provide medical or other personal insurance for students, and accepts no liability for any costs incurred.)